Using the Russian revolutionary posters as inspiration I created this poster that allowed me to experiment with making my own poster. When I viewed the posters for the first time I felt really intimidated and was shocked by how strong and powerful the posters looked on the white walls. As the theme for my Fashion week was Strength and power I thought I would be a good idea to take one of the photographs from this week and create a poster that could emphasise this power. I did go against the colour scheme by added some detail in the hair which could be seen as going against but I feel this allowed me to add a twist to the idea. I created this using illustrator. I do like this creation and feel it was successful in creating a strong atmosphere to the imagery but I feel some of the lines are to thick and make the image look amateurish, this could be resolved by playing around with the thickness of the lines and editing till it was effective enough. Furthermore I played around with the composition of text till it looked strong like the image.
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