After appreciating all ten items I was given the task to wittle it down to just four items. I knew straight away which ones meant the most to me and therefore I was able to pick the following:
The Locket
The Brooch
The Reindeer horn
The Surfing obsession
After choosing the four we was asked to play around with the composition. I played a lot with playing the objects below are two composed images that I liked the best. I think they personally worked the best because they were able to work the items nicely together.
Composition 1
This composition was placed like this so that I could focus the attention on me and my memories. I used the frog brooch to cover my sister's face so that the attention was on my face thus on 'my memories'. Using the photograph as my platform and the setting I would most like all my memories to be in I was able to place the remaining objects on top. The reindeer horn was placed over me so that it slanted across the photograph allowing you to appreciate all of the memories. Furthermore it segregates my memories up so that you can take in one object at a time. Maybe if I could redo this image I would move the reindeer horn a bit more across and over the full photograph. I made the locket look like it had been washed onto the ocean floor. I also opted to have the locket open so that you can see my family. I really liked how much I thought about the composition and will use this in my future exploration. I think the images are balanced and therefore work well within the finished photograph. |
Composition 2- Chosen Image
In the same way the above composition was placed I thought about again where the objects would look best and how they would work well. Although I liked certain elements of the above I opted to take the Frog off my sisters face and place it next to her ear. By doing this it meant I could make a reference to my awareness of death(see previous analyse of frog brooch). I liked using the flag in the centre as a basis to place my locket to make it look like an open book propped up. This is to make you feel like the grouping is a story and means something to someone (in this case me!). I liked the reindeer large and shadowing me in the photograph because it emphasises my personality and my tendency to explore. Because of this successful composition I opted to choose this composition as my design basis. |
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