Sunday, 13 October 2013

SDS Lens based Media- Final draft

This Photograph was taken by me
The redrafting session on day 3 allowed me to recognise what my story was lacking and how to improve it to make the story more interesting. When reviewing the pictures I realised that the second and third images were a good starting point so when you look at this image you can see it is similar to the second image of the initial series. However in this image we establish the character doing her work but being hassled by an enormous fly. In one way I used the fly as a metaphor for distraction especially in relation to myself and how easy it is to get distracted with work like a fly annoying you with its constant buzzing. The fly is enormous and therefore emphasises the concept of a huge distraction. I wanted the subject to show the obvious annoyance therefore capturing facial expression, the work and the fly was important for the frame. This scene establishes the character and the setting of the story which is why it is vital to capture all the elements needed.
This Photograph was taken by me
The next shot shows what we as the viewers think is the solution to the problem. Again it is similar to the third image of the initial series because it allows the story to flow. The fact that the audience will see this image and believe that the character has eaten the fly will think the girl can get on with her work. I used the girl to depict this motion by pretending to eat it- this was challenging as the fly is really big so I tried to imply it to the audience by having the girl with a really wide mouth. Again the work is still obvious in the shot, showing the aim of what the girl is trying to carry out. Furthermore the  setting is still shot in the same place, this is to demonstrate that the girl can't really do anything until the work is finished as well it also allows the audiences to focus on the action taking place in the actual photograph.
This Photograph was taken by me
This is a new photograph based on my redraft different from the first initial concept. This photograph suggests the next struggle, the girl can no longer do her work once again because she feels sick from eating the fly- this is to demonstrate how the fly has laid maggots in her stomach and they are wriggling. This was difficult to show however I think this sums up the  emotion the subject is feeling. This image is important so that it shows the struggle and shows that the first solution of eating the fly was a wrong thing to do and could cause her a much worst consequence because of it. I think the photograph is successful because of the  way it is really easy to establish that the girl now feels ills as a consequence of her previous action. I think this picture is really successful because it makes audiences want to know what the girl is going too do next and if she will be able to carry out her work.

This Photograph was taken by me
Above you can see the next photograph in the series, in this photograph we see the girl burping and a baby fly has come up her throat and flew out of her mouth. In the background we can see a spider foreshadowing the next event perhaps. The girl has a clear scared emotion to show what she is feeling and allow the audience to connect with her emotionally which is really important. The close up on the face taking away from the work is to demonstrate how the event has know become a serious problem no longer caring about the work. The distraction has worsen and another struggle has been proposed for audiences to witness. I like this image but I think it was really hard to show the girl burping without any sound, I hope it is clear for the audience to recognise.

This Photograph was taken by me
Here you can see the solution to the problem occurring, the girl uses the spider which was previously on the wall and places it in her throat where it will spin a web and catch all the flies trying to fly out, In this image she catches the fly that escaped in previous shot and feeding it to the spider in her mouth. This photograph is not in focus to create a more threatening menacing side to the event. I think that this was the hardest photograph to convey because I am not using Photoshop instead a collage on a clear screen so it was difficult to display this image. However I feel the solution was really good and exciting. When I discussed this with my group they looked horrified but also really liked the idea so I feel happy with my decision to include the spider. This scene reminds me of a great battle between the girl and the flies we are still not sure if she will prevail or not meaning we have to view the next image to guarantee the girls victory or not.

This Photograph was taken by me
Above you can see the final image of all the shots and the final resolution to the story. The shot had to establish the finishing result to the girl struggle which I you look closely you can see the girl doing her work smugly looking at the giant web she scooped out her throat with the lies attached to it. Therefore depicting her triumphant victory. This was a vital shot to allow audiences to sigh a relief and therefore I am happy I carried it out. Having the shot out of close up and on a clear focused shot of her work shows how the distraction is no longer there and she can continue on with her work. Overall I feel this task was really enjoyable and I think worked really well. I feel all the days had allowed me to understand the importance of establishing a mood, redrafting the story to add struggle has meant the series is stronger. Finally my already knowledge of storyboarding and planning has been confirmed once more, storyboarding gave me a lot of great ideas and allowed me to fulfil a really good story which I am proud of.

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