This six weeks have gone by so quickly yet I have been able to carry out so much and learn so much in the process. Throughout the different rotations I carried diverse tasks which led me to ultimately to come to a decision in what pathway to choose. Each week also allowed me to work with a different Tutor where I could learn 'the ropes' as it was to the course. I had a lot of fun on every week which surprised me as I thought I would stay keen on only a couple but at the end of it every week was informative and allowed me to push my initiative and design skills. At the end of the rotation I have chosen Graphics as my final pathway.
I came to the conclusion of choosing Graphics because during the week in particular I felt my design skills were best put to use, I was able to design and make a poster quickly. I like the way this week pushed me to work independently and in quick time, this is something I need to get used to in my future career so I am glad I was able to appreciate this and apply it to the rotation week. I overall had the most fun this day as well therefore I feel that this course was the best one to choose. I also got on really well with the tutors and could relate to there experiences and It made me most inspired. The research I did this week as well influenced me greatly as I was able to see for myself the potential of great graphic design.
All the other weeks were also very informative and allowed me to explore different pathways but I did not connect to them in the way in which I did with Graphics. However the things which I did learnt such as designing without designing which saw me drawing a squiggle and turning into a shape was really helpful and is something I will use in my present work to generate ideas once I am stuck. In the fashion week I was able to see just how much developing from one sample/ shape could produce so many different possible outcomes again another way for me to fuel ideas. The lens based week gave me the opportunity to work in a group and think about narrative in a new way, I was able to push my ideas in a group and overall allow myself to become much more vocal which Is something I want to push for in the future. I think that the six weeks have been a very good experience and has allowed me o develop skills and explore all pathways before focusing on one. I would not change doing these weeks for anything as I feel because of them I have been able to make a well though out decision.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Lens Based Media Week Summary
This week has revealed to be really insightful, the majority of the tasks I found fun and taught me a lot. However starting some of the task proved to be challenging because I wasn't sure how to start it off. I used what I had learnt in Day 2 which was storyboarding or pinpointing random things can propel loads of ideas. Using this knowledge I was able to plot down loads of crazy ideas and produce the outcome for the task. This is one of the things (planning) which I have felt has been emphasised throughout the pathway and installed into my mind so that even on future tasks I will be able to do the planning automatically. Other tasks this week that have proved to be helpful for example was on Day one. The task in which we cropped out certain areas of a bigger drawing to create a different mood was interesting and gave me a perspective on creating atmosphere with composition. This will prove helpful for all pathways.
This week I have been really pleased with my outcomes especially the things which I had not ever previously done such as cropping to change mood. However there are some things which I could change to make my outcomes even stronger. For instance the last series of six photographs I feel I could develop more so that the story is clearer and also more interesting. I got a lot of different feedback as well as praise from fellow students and tutors. During the first say when we had to draw one of our photographs we brought in I was picked by other students because they really liked my drawing. They said they especially liked the medium I had used and worked into my designs. Moving from this once again the series of six photographs on Day 3 I discussed with Seb and Chris my tutors this day. They really helped me with identifying how I could push for a stronger impact. However they found my concept really interesting and said it was a really good starting point in which I could do a lot with. This provided me with a lot of enthusiasm to keep the idea going.
Out of all my pieces of work I really enjoyed creating narrative and learning more about story structure. The emphasis on this subject made me learn a lot about potential stories that I will create in the future be it for any of the pathways. I feel that I had most fun with and was most successful in creating atmosphere and mood in such works as cropping my drawing, story boarding in groups and my final six photographs. I have learnt a lot this week which I had not known such as the power of struggle and even realised more about the way I view films that even when I am at home now and a film is on I can't help but think about what I have learnt. The tasks which I found easy were the summarising of the words because I was able to interpret words in the way I saw them and present them to the world through my vision. I feel by doing that specific task I was able to use what I had learnt in my other interpretations for the rest of the week. Overall I have learnt so much about the history of film, my own creativity and craziness which I was really given the opportunity to use this week.
This week I have been really pleased with my outcomes especially the things which I had not ever previously done such as cropping to change mood. However there are some things which I could change to make my outcomes even stronger. For instance the last series of six photographs I feel I could develop more so that the story is clearer and also more interesting. I got a lot of different feedback as well as praise from fellow students and tutors. During the first say when we had to draw one of our photographs we brought in I was picked by other students because they really liked my drawing. They said they especially liked the medium I had used and worked into my designs. Moving from this once again the series of six photographs on Day 3 I discussed with Seb and Chris my tutors this day. They really helped me with identifying how I could push for a stronger impact. However they found my concept really interesting and said it was a really good starting point in which I could do a lot with. This provided me with a lot of enthusiasm to keep the idea going.
Out of all my pieces of work I really enjoyed creating narrative and learning more about story structure. The emphasis on this subject made me learn a lot about potential stories that I will create in the future be it for any of the pathways. I feel that I had most fun with and was most successful in creating atmosphere and mood in such works as cropping my drawing, story boarding in groups and my final six photographs. I have learnt a lot this week which I had not known such as the power of struggle and even realised more about the way I view films that even when I am at home now and a film is on I can't help but think about what I have learnt. The tasks which I found easy were the summarising of the words because I was able to interpret words in the way I saw them and present them to the world through my vision. I feel by doing that specific task I was able to use what I had learnt in my other interpretations for the rest of the week. Overall I have learnt so much about the history of film, my own creativity and craziness which I was really given the opportunity to use this week.
Lens Based Media- The shots that didn't make it Animations
SDS Lens based Media- Final draft
Lens Based Media Day 3-Redrafting the series of six
SDS Lens Based Media Exploratory- Creating A series of six
Above you can see images of my sketchbook. My sketchbook was a big tool to helping me come up with the idea of this story. Whenever I was stuck I drew ideas and crazy storylines into my book even if they didn't make sense. Because of this I was able to take my initial ideas into the actual photographs which you are able to see below. This week as well as my other weeks have stressed how important to using your sketchbook as your brain source which I fully support and understand even more now.
Above as well as to the right shows the six images which depict a story. This story was created in order to show a Girl who wants to finish her work but is distracted by a giant fly. The girl decides the best way to solve the problem is to eat it so she can continue on with her work. The photographs were not photoshopped as I wanted to play around with something new. I created this image by using a giant clear screen in which I collaged on top of which would then be able to photographed to appear like the fly was actually in the shot. I think this gave the photos a really nice effect and even more realistic- the subject was able to interact with the collage more than if I applied the fly after with Photoshop. Of course there was some downsides to this method because I was unable to photograph with a flash or many lights on because it would shine on the screen. This is why the photographs are not as strong as they could be photography wise. However as a representation of my thoughts and ideas I think it really works well.
I did have a challenge coming up with a concept to begin with however I decided to carry out what we did in class and plot down as many crazy ideas as possible into my sketchbook. This really helped and I was able to consider loads of ideas. I actually tried out two other ideas before this series which meant I could play around with different concept giving me more knowledge for this image. When I showed fellow students in class they found this concept really interesting as well as the tutors. My only problem with the set is I feel they are lacking an amount of struggle and events to prevent the subject from reaching the goal. This is something I will consider over the next couple of days in order to make them more strong.
To the left you can see an image of flies on a bus. The concept of using a clear screen came to me because of this. When I was on the bus on my way to Ravensbourne there was a fly on the outside of the window just sitting there but the fly looked big and weird in the landscape behind it. Because of this it gave me an Idea to create the series of photographs above. You can see from my pictures on the bus how my idea has flowed through to my idea.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Lens Based Media Exploratory Day 2- Stop Motion and Group Collaboration Video
Above is another video which I created to show me working in my group on the storyboards (previous post) as well as showing my stop motion which my whole class and I created. A stop motion is a series of images which demonstrate life or movement when put together. I have worked on stop motion pieces before therefore I had basic knowledge of the importance of the camera not moving and the slight actions required to make the subject appear as if it is moving.
Watching the whole video together was quite interesting and showed how everyone chose to move it. We were only given a couple of shots to move it so the movement isn't thought out but quite spontaneous. This was really nice to work with and develop further. The programme we used is available for a trial and seemed very useful especially as I am used to working with the shots first and then applied to a programme instead on taking the shots on a programme like this one.
Len's Based Media Exploratory Day 2- Storyboards and Idea
This Photograph was taken by me |
This Photograph was taken by me My idea of hell- A dark hole (the unknown) |
This Photograph was taken by me Finished drawings everyone did. |
Lens Based Media Exploratory day 2-Fridge
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Image taken from Peter Mullan's creation of the fridge is spectacular. I really did not expect the short film to effect me in the way it did, when I was watching on the edge of my seat. I felt really connected to all of the characters emotional, it came to my attention all of the characters who are on the ground I felt sympathy and anger with other than the little boy who represent the innocence of the place of darkness. From the beginning the setting is portrayed as a mundane sinister place the different characters embellish the way in which we perceive certain areas for instance the young children playing made me feel it was a fun safe place to be but in contrast the areas with the youth gangs was more menacing. Infact the change of the fun neighbour changed dramatically revealing the potential story of the short film. This is important in creating a good narrative by setting an effective beginning for audiences. The Protagonist to this story is not really clear and at the end of it comes down to what we the audience perceive it to be, as I said before each of the characters on the ground have good and bad in them which is why perhaps it is hard to pinpoint one good character. The claustrophobic camera work also creates a very powerful representation of the Mullan was trying to portray. Using the camera in the beginning for instance he was able to film a shot inside the fridge like we are encased in this tight area. Infact the whole camera work was amazing and added a lot to the film. When watching films I personally really pay a lot of notice to the camera work which is why I was really surprised to discover a really effective piece that made me want to read more into everything focused into. The short film all in all proved to be very effective making me think about what I would view on the subject if I was a character in the film- my social background would be closer to the mother who shut the window so therefore would I be like her and close the window and focus on my own problem's instead of the world around me. I wonder if this is what Mullan was trying tog et people to ask themselves. |
Monday, 7 October 2013
Lens Based Media Day One- Capturing a word
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Crush This Photograph was taken by me |
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Happy This Photograph was taken by me |
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Sad This Photograph was taken by me |
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Jump This Photograph was taken by me |
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Fall This Photograph was taken by me |
Lens Based Media Day 1- Cropping a drawing of a photograph
These Photographs were taken by me
Here you can see the process of me drawing one of the photographs I brought in. I decided on the image of my sister because I feel it was one of the most successful due to the natural look at the connection I have with my sister. You can see the real photograph above with the line drawing. I decided to use water and fine liner in order to make a distinguished look. I feel this was accomplished because a lot of people kept coming up to me and telling me they really liked the image and the way it stood out. |
All these Photograph were taken by me
This task was really interesting as it saw me cropping away certain areas to create a certain mood or atmosphere. I feel that the task was successful as it allowed me to change the mood from the original drawing. The top image of cropping to the left shows only the eyes cropped out. This creates a tension filled atmosphere. Almost as if the girl is watching someone. Furthermore you are not able to see if it is a male or female and the mysteriousness builds. Other crops such as the crop of just the lips creates a intimacy feeling. Especially in films this is relevant when close up shots of the lips are used to create intimate relationship between characters. Again changing the mood of my original photographs. I really liked this task and feel it will defiantly help me in the future when I creating something as diverse as a logo. It is an exciting way to change the mood of a design and therefore will be used again.
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Lens Based Media Photographs for Day 1
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